Major research works on rice, wheat and maize are being carried out. Varietal improvement work like breeding, cropping system, disease and insect management and long-term fertility etc. are the focal aspects of research works. However, certain short term experiments are also designed and implemented based on farmers' needs and perception. Plant protection and soil laboratories are also functioning to support different crop related activities. Rice genotypes that can yield successfully under minimum water availability are also being identified under the research works of water saving technologies. Selection of genotypes in earlier breeding cycle with shuttle breeding, physiological aspect of breeding was started from 2070 BS cropping season. Similarly, the promising genotypes of winter (Boro) rice and spring rice (Chaite) are also under study and certain genotypes are identified for further testing. Similarly, the genotypes of rice, wheat and maize that can tolerate water stress are also being tested through participatory approach. 977-25-476461 / 476462